BA Design, MA Ed, Dip Career Counselling, Grad Dip Teaching (Health), Cert MBTI Personality Type. Touch for Health (Kinesiology).
Divine Healing releases people from limiting beliefs and pain, into a life with more joyful freedom.
Susanne channels the creative energy of the Divine to rewrite unconscious fear-based patterns, into new loving ways of being. Energy healing does not require reliving old traumas. Each healing channeled, is tailor designed for the individual. It includes healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels and insight as a medical intuitive. Medical intuition work should not replace regular consultation with your physician. A healing session may also include guidance and messages. Issues may need more than one session to address them.
Susanne channels your highest priority and for the greatest good of all.
Hutia te rito o te harakeke. Kei hea te komako, e ko? Ki mai ki ahau, he aha te mea nui o te ao? Maku e ki atu He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
Maori proverb